Naming Standard (English)
For the use of standardised exchange of printing jobs between the publisher and the printsite the following file naming key is valid:
The idea is that one output can be used no matter which printsite will print the job, as well as exchange of jobs between printsite is more flexible. The same considerations enter very largely in the picture with regard to “area standard” (page sizes) “See Electronic Standard Documents”.
It applies for the key that it consists of the stem “JJJLLLRFDDMMYYZEVSPPP” after which the file extension follow and eventually a color indicator as part of the extension.
Colour is only a part of the standardas an extension and in regards to separated files.
For instance file extension can be .ps - .pdf - or .C .M .Y .K .
J Job code (name of production – 3 characters.) A-Z & 0-9
L Manufacturing company (sender) (number/letter code for each maker)
R Print Site (1 character). Can be used by sender to control where to send the file as well as by receiver, who then overwrites the value to control which printing press will do print the job.
F Format (1 character). Tabloid (T), broadsheet (B), double spread in broadsheet = Panorama (P), 2 tabloid pages in one form (F). The two parties in question must specifically agree on special formats.
DDMMYY Publication date.
Z Zone (1 character, 0-9 & A-Z, geographic area)
E Edition (1 character, 1-9 & A-Z, editorial alteration after printing start)
V Version (1 character, 1-9 & A-Z, correction of error)
S Section (1 character) 1-9 & A-Z. Whether alphanumeric or numeric characters are used is specifically agreed between the involved parties.
P Pagination (3 characters).
If you have any doubts then, get in touch with the parties involved.