Electronic Standard Documents (English)

Electronic formats. (format Width x Height) Definition:

• Document layout
The document is the absolute size of the whole page, that is the margins included. (measured in mm).

• The printing image
The printing image is the area in which the layout stays inside. The pagination belongs to the layout of the page.

• The cutoff length
The cutting off length is based on the printing press in question. For Danish newspapers the standard is 560 mm.

• The prepress format
The prepress format is the absolute physical size of the page after ripping. (measured in pixels)

Tabloid standard

Document layout
280 x 370 mm

(7 mm in the right and left margin, no top and bottom margin), that is:

Width: 7 mm + 266 mm + 7 mm = 280 mm.

Height: 370 mm. The pagination is included in the defined height.

Printing image
266 x 370 mm

Prepress format
Calculated included shrinkage:

(280 x 97 %) = 271.6 mm (10.6929 inch.)
10.6929 inch. x 1270 dpi. ≈ 13580 pixels

1270 dpi. ≈ (13580 x 18500) pixels
1200 dpi. ≈ (12831 x 17480) pixels
1016 dpi ≈ (10864 x 14800) pixels
900 dpi. ≈ (13890 x 18780) pixels

The page is delivered positive, non-mirrored and in portrait orientation.

As standard double spread is double size – is named after the lowest page number.

Broadsheet standard

Document layout
392 x 530 mm

(18 mm in the right and left margin, no top and bottom margin), that is:

Width: 18 mm + 356 mm + 18 mm = 392 mm.

Height: 530 mm. The pagination is included in the defined height.

Printing image
356 x 530 mm

Prepress format
1270 dpi. ≈ (19600 x 26500) pixels
1200 dpi. ≈ (18520 x 25039) pixels
1016 dpi ≈ (15680 x 21200) pixels
900 dpi. ≈ (13890 x 18780) pixels

The page is delivered positive, non-mirrored and in portrait orientation.